

The first one hundred days of a Presidential term are critical for setting the administration’s priorities and generating momentum toward accomplishing its agenda.



Prompt the upcoming Biden Administration to take decisive action on climate change in the first one hundred days.



People assume that fixing the environment is a monumental task, only achieved through monumental effort. In truth, any amount of effort helps to reach the goal. And small actions lead to larger actions.



Create an accessible mechanism for ordinary people to impact the environment through making meaningful changes in their lives and by encouraging action from the President-elect and his administration.



The Sprocket app works toward effecting positive change in personal and governmental practices. Named for the gear-like mechanism that drives a roller chain, the app creates momentum in moderating climate change by taking small steps to influence a larger chain of events. Through monthly challenges, users are motivated to make small changes to their habits, easing them into earth-friendly behavior. Once a task is completed, users self report their accomplishments by posting pictures along with their contributions.

Providing location details in the profile section allows users to access information about their local, state, and federal politicians. The app includes options to send emails to representatives, showing support for combating climate change and inquiring about what actions the politicians have taken. With enough active users, the constant pressure sends a strong message to lawmakers that climate change is an important issue for them to address.

Task Examples:

●January -- Plastic Free

●February -- Walk, Bike, or Carpool

●March -- Upcycling or Thrifting instead of buying new
